Converter, jpg images to c64 block graphiccs

I made this in "BBC basic for windows."

The programs detect pixels within a "5-dice" configuration.

This dice is moving 40 a cross x 25 downward over the image to find colors and shapes.

This is how it is calculated into Bit's

here is the program in raw text-format

      rem // copy frome BBC For windows,example (windows file lockup procedure)
      dim fs{lStructSize%, hwndOwner%, hInstance%, lpstrFilter%, \
      \      lpstrCustomFilter%, nMaxCustFilter%, nFilterIndex%, \
      \      lpstrFile%, nMaxFile%, lpstrFileTitle%, \
      \      nMaxFileTitle%, lpstrInitialDir%, lpstrTitle%, \
      \      flags%, nFileOffset{l&,h&}, nFileExtension{l&,h&}, \
      \      lpstrDefExt%, lCustData%, lpfnHook%, lpTemplateName%}
      dim fp{t&(260)}
      ff$ = "jpeg gif files"+chr$0+"*.jpg;*.gif"+chr$0+chr$0
      fs.lStructSize% = dim(fs{})
      fs.hwndOwner% = @hwnd%
      fs.lpstrFilter% = ptr(ff$)
      fs.lpstrFile% = fp{}
      fs.nMaxFile% = dim(fp{}) - 1
      fs.flags% = 6
      sys "GetOpenFileName", fs{} to result%
      if result% filename$ = $$fp{}
      rem //
      rem // new proc to get BBC basic user-window hight and width
      dim rc{l%,t%,r%,b%}
      sys "GetClientRect", @hwnd%, rc{}
      Wwidth% = rc.r%:rem // collecting user window-width
      Wheight% = rc.b%:rem // collecting user window-height
      rem //
      rem // init variables used
      dim map(39,24),rgb%(4),ck%(4),chrcol(39,24):rem // ck% (check a pixel point)
      rem //
      rem // procedure to display jpg.
      procdisplay(filename$,0,Wheight%-711,1137,711):rem // file picture import.
      rem //
      rem // chop filepath, make it filename only
        a$=mid$(filename$,n%,1):rem long file path trunking to just filename
      until a$="\":rem windows path diveder
      rem //
      rem //make it a binary end-name.
      rem //
      rem // read screen and compute
      gcol 1
      for y=24 to 0 step -1
        for x=0 to 39 step +1
          ck%()=0:rem // zero out all ck%
          rgb%()=0:rem // zero out all rgb% (rgb% red green blue pixel value)
          sx=x*28.45*2+28.45/3:rem // sqare-seach rectanlge x
          sy=y*28.48*2+28.48/4:rem // sqare-seach rectanlge y
          gcol 1:rem // sets color 1 (here red)
          rectangle sx,sy,52,52:rem // mark up screen area
          rgb%(0)=tint(sx+52/4,sy+52/4*3):rem //reads dice 5 pixels-points
          rgb%(4)= tint(sx+52/4*3,sy+52/4*1)
          for n=0 to 4
            if (rgb%(n) and 255) >64 then ck%(n) = ck%(n) or 1:rem // red test
            if (rgb%(n) >> 8 and 255) >64 then ck%(n) = ck%(n) or 2:rem // green test
            if (rgb%(n) >> 16 and 255) >64 then ck%(n) = ck%(n) or 4:rem //blue test
          c%=0:map(x,y)=32:rem // sets to c64 space-value
          if ck%(0) > 1 then c%=c% or 1
          if ck%(1) > 1 then c%=c% or 2
          if ck%(2) > 1 then c%=c% or 4
          if ck%(3) > 1 then c%=c% or 8
          if ck%(4) > 1 then c%=c% or 16
          if c%=3 or c%=7 then map(x,y)=226
          if c%=9 or c%=13 then map(x,y)=97
          if c%=24 or c%=28 then map(x,y)=98
          if c%=18 or c%=22 then map(x,y)=225
          if c%=31 then map(x,y)=160
          if c%=15 then map(x,y)=105
          if c%=23 then map(x,y)=95
          if c%=30 then map(x,y)=223
          if c%=29 then map(x,y)=233
          if c%=21 then map(x,y)=127
          if c%=14 then map(x,y)=255
          if c%=1 then map(x,y)=126
          if c%=2 then map(x,y)=124
          if c%=16 then map(x,y)=108
          if c%=8 then map(x,y)=123
      (start):rem a "goto" place
      rem // main-loop
      colour 128+0:cls:colour 15:rem black, white text
      for y=24 to 0 step -1
        for x=0 to 39 step +1
          gcol chrcol(x,y):rem // sets  the colour to the drawings
          if map(x,y)=160 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2,54,54
          if map(x,y)=226 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2+54/2,54,54/2
          if map(x,y)=97 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2,54/2,54
          if map(x,y)=98 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2,54,54/2
          if map(x,y)=225 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2+54/2,2+y*28.45*2,54/2,54
          if map(x,y)=233 then move 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2+54: move 2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2:plot 85,2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2
          if map(x,y)=223 then move 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2: move 2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2+54:plot 85,2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2
          if map(x,y)=95 then move 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2+54: move 2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2+54:plot 85,2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2
          if map(x,y)=105 then move 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2: move 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2+54:plot 85,2+x*28.45*2+54,2+y*28.45*2+54
          if map(x,y)= 127 then
            rectangle  fill 2+x*28.45*2+8+28.45,2+y*28.45*2,28.45,28.45
            rectangle  fill 2+x*28.45*2+8,2+y*28.45*2+28.45,28.45,28.45
          if map(x,y)=255 then
            rectangle  fill 2+x*28.45*2+8,2+y*28.45*2,28.45,28.45
            rectangle  fill 2+x*28.45*2+8+28.45,2+y*28.45*2+28.45,28.45,28.45
          if map(x,y)=123 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2,54/2,54/2
          if map(x,y)=108 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2+54/2,2+y*28.45*2,54/2,54/2
          if map(x,y)=124 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2+54/2,2+y*28.45*2+54/2,54/2,54/2
          if map(x,y)=126 then rectangle fill 2+x*28.45*2,2+y*28.45*2+54/2,54/2,54/2
      *FONT Courier New,20,U
      print tab(0,0);"R=restart D:dump binfile E:end program";
      input user$:ch=0
      if right$(user$,1)="r" or right$(user$,1)="R" ch=1
      if right$(user$,1)="d" or right$(user$,1)="D" ch=2
      if right$(user$,1)="e" or right$(user$,1)="E" ch=3
      if ch=0 then goto start
      if ch=1 then run
      if ch=3 then cls:print "Progam ended":end
      for y=0 to 24
        for x=0 to 39
      for y=0 to 24
        for x=0 to 39
      print tab(0,0);file$;" is saved                                 "
      until keyb$<>""

      goto start


      def procdisplay(picture$,xpos%,ypos%,xsize%,ysize%)
      local oleaut32%, olpp%, iid%, gpp%, hmw%, hmh%, picture%, res%
      sys "LoadLibrary", "OLEAUT32.DLL" to oleaut32%
      sys "GetProcAddress", oleaut32%, "OleLoadPicturePath" to olpp%
      if olpp%=0 error 100, "Could not get address of OleLoadPicturePath"
      dim iid% local 15, picture% local 513
      sys "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, picture$, -1, picture%, 256
      iid%!0  = &7BF80980
      iid%!4  = &101ABF32
      iid%!8  = &AA00BB8B
      iid%!12 = &AB0C3000
      sys olpp%, picture%, 0, 0, 0, iid%, ^gpp%
      if gpp% = 0 error 100, "OleLoadPicturePath failed"
      sys !(!gpp%+24), gpp%, ^hmw% : rem. IPicture::get_Width
      sys !(!gpp%+28), gpp%, ^hmh% : rem. IPicture::get_Height
      sys !(!gpp%+32), gpp%, @memhdc%, xpos%, ypos%, xsize%, ysize%, 0, \
      \                      hmh%, hmw%, -hmh%, 0 to res%
      if res% error 100, "IPicture::Render failed"
      sys !(!gpp%+8), gpp% : rem. IPicture::Release
      sys "InvalidateRect", @hwnd%, 0, 0
      sys "UpdateWindow", @hwnd%

note - some computer does not have the same screen-resulotion and may not work

here is the orginal image

here is the output from binary file to "CBM prg Studio screen editor"

My first paragraph.